Pista & Piloti Hillclimb 2024


Pista e Piloti was created in 2015 by events and classic cars services company Appia founder, German entrepreneur and car enthusiast Marco Wimmer. The premiere took place on the grounds of the Klassikstadt Frankfurt and the formula clicked right away, proving its worth over almost a decade.


It’s a course I am rather familiar with, having tackled it myself, behind the wheel of a Giulia GTAm a couple of years ago. It’s a short dash up the hill and most competitors get to the top in about one minute and forty seconds.


Italian engineer Paulo Garella’s company, M.A.T. is behind this creation, that may look like an original from 1967, but is likely capable of going a lot faster. Created using Tuscan designer Franco Scaglione’s original drawings, it went through a process of under-the-skin modernisation using cutting edge technologies, resulting in a bespoke chassis dressed in hand-beaten aluminium panels that were assembled using only traditional carozzeria methods.


A modern 4C was on hand for the occasion, providing the obligatory mother-and-daughter shots to the delight of the many Alfisti proud of their favourite brand’s historic and modern heritage. Some came with their own cars and a solid contingent of Giulias, in all its guises, from the Supers to the GTs, including the one sporting the recently made-famous again name Juniors.


Discover our full story of Pista é Piloti in
Living on the Edge


Passionate about cars in Driving, Photography and writing. @my_redgiulia